Yesterday afternoon, I walked past The ONE - a shopping mall in Tsim Sha Tsui and saw this giant “Pikachu 3D air-ship”. Although there are a few Pokemon figures there, Pikachu is always the most popular one. Everyone wants to take a photo with him. As I was in a hurry, I didn't have the time to wait for my turn.
Besides the air-ship, there is also a merchandise booth for you, the Pokemon fans, to buy souvenir. Inside the booth, I saw some offical Pokemon figures on sales. When I was a llittle kid, I used to buy a lot of Pokemon figures from my local toy store as it sold them with a really low price (like HK$20 for 3). But of course later I found out all these figures are bootlegs.
I think all my figures are still inside the plastic box I used many years ago. I liked to carry them around and have Pokemon figure battles with the neighborhood kids. First, each of us will select a Pokemon figure from the box and put them on a table. Then we take turns to move the figures with our tiny finger and try to knock the opponents' figures out of the table. The last Pokemon standing on the table wins the match. As the game is heavily depand on the figure's weight, so I usually like to select some heavyweight Pokemon.
Back to the mall, Nintendo HK has put a 3DS Game Kiosk next to the air-ship for visitors to play the latest Pokemon games. But it seems everyone is more interested in taking photo than playing the game. Although I don't think I can connect Pokemon with Christmas, it can really attract more people to the mall. So I guess it is a win-win situation for both parties.
If anyone who is a Pokemon fans has the chance to walk past Tsim Sha Tsui or The ONE, remember to go there to say Merry Christmas to Pikach and all the Pokemon there.